
Pitch Pod Perfect

Being a guest on a podcast is a fantastic way to increase your visibility, raise your profile and share your story with a wider audience.

 I’m a self-confessed podcast addict. Over the last few years I’ve also been lucky enough to be asked as a guest on some of my favourite podcasts, had my clients feature on them and finally launch my own podcast, ‘Business Between Bells’.

 A few weeks ago one of my biz friends messaged me with this fantastic idea. She was struggling to put together a list of podcasts that female entrepreneurs could feature on and suggested it would be a great resource to create. Funnily since then I’ve had a number of different people ask me for a similar tool.

So thanks to my friend here it is, a list of over 60 podcasts that interview female entrepreneurs and change makers.  

To provide you with even more value I’ve listed six steps to help you compile the perfect pitch to get featured.

Sign up here to receive my FREE Pitch Pod Perfect guide.

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